What initially drew you to your medium/media of choice?


Since we moved to the Hudson Valley from Brooklyn seven years ago, my work has been much more focused on the natural world. For the past year I’ve been focused on making works on paper that combine watercolor, gouache, ink, and cyanotype. The process feels like a satisfying marriage of painting, printmaking, collage, digital media, and camera-less photography. As I’ve worked in a myriad of mediums over the past two decades, this current body of work is a culmination of a lot of ideas. Part of my process is growing and pressing plants that I manipulate in the photogram process, and also photograph for source imagery.


I frequently work with the cyanotype process, which is a camera-less photographic printing process invented in 1842 by scientist and astronomer, Sir John Herschel, which produces a cyan-blue print when a non-toxic chemistry-coated surface is exposed to sunlight. The first artist (who was also a botanist) to use it was Anna Atkins. She is cited as the very first female photographer (though made without the use of a camera). She published the book Photographs of British Algae in 1843.


Read the full interview online in Create Magazine.



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